Thursday, August 23, 2007

Free Exercise To Enlarge Your Penis - Exercise To Make Your Penis Bigger

There are a number of free exercises to enlarge and make your penis bigger. This article will discuss some of the best ways to enlarge your penis with free penis enlargement exercises.

Before I get started it's important to bear in mind that you shouldn't perform these exercises daily as your penis needs a rest from exercises every now and then. You will find that if you use these exercises every day that you will be doing more harm than good and it will ultimately hurt your chances of enlarging your penis. So as keen as you may be to start these exercises I would highly recommend that you slow down at first and set a timetable for when you will do these exercises and stick to it.

The first exercise to enlarge your penis is called the PC flex. It is a very effective exercise as exercising this muscle will give you very strong erections. As with women who are going through pregnancy, the PC muscle is the muscle that controls when you urinate and when you can stop urinating. The key here is making your PC muscle stronger and you can perform this exercise virtually anywhere. Initially only perform these exercises for five minutes at a go and then gradually increase it to up to 30 minutes at a time and leave it at that time limit. When you squeeze your PC muscle you will feel the muscle around your anus working also. What this will do is increase the blood flow to the penis which ultimately will increase your penis width. This is an ideal exercise to start with, however, to increase the amount of blood going to more parts of your penis you should do more.

This next exercise involves grabbing your penis head with the grip of an okay symbol by making the shape of the letter O with your index finger and your thumb. Stretch your penis in front and hold it in that stretch for around 10-15 seconds. After you have done that gently massage your penis. Now continue to stretch and hold the penis for around 10-15 seconds in up, left, right, straight and down directions. Be sure to massage between each repetition. If you have trouble keeping a grip I recommend using tissue or toilet paper. Be sure not to stretch your penis too far, this exercise should not be painful.

The jelq exercises requires some form of lubrication. Baby oil is recommended and is easily within anyone's budget. It is important to perform your penis stretching exercises before you do exercises to widen your penis as it is easier to get a hold of your penis. For this exercise get aroused to around 80 percent firmness. Then once again use an okay grip starting at the base of your penis and moving up to the head. When you are doing this focus on pushing the blood up to your penis head. When you have reached the head, swap hands and continue doing about 25 of these jelqing exercises in the first seven days. Then add another 25 after every seven days. By around 2 months you will be doing 200 jelqs and leave it at that amount. As with every penis enlargement exercise, always be sure to gently massage your penis after each repetition.

It is absolutely critical that you perform a warm up and a warm down before and after your exercises by taking a warm towel and for 3 minutes wrapping it around your penis.

Of course, as with every exercise program, when you are performing any kind of exercise to make your penis bigger you need to be consistent and persistent. For more comprehensive information about other penis enlargement options check out the website below.

Copyright 2007. The Vimax pill can permanently enlarge your penis by as much as 3 inches in a matter of weeks with no effort on your part. No penis enlargement devices or exercises are required. It's also covered by a 60 day money back guarantee. Vimax has been helping men increase their penis size permanently for five years. Only go with a penis enlargement pill that you can trust. To find out more about the Vimax Pill go to

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